We are proud to announce a new member of our Urban Agenda Public Procurement Partnership: Dutch Climate Alliance. This association of Dutch local authorities is a frontrunning NGO in climate mitigation and adaptation for municipalities and provinces.
This new member joined our Partnership in December 2024. Contact person is Margo Meeuwissen, Project manager DeCarb-Pro.
We have interviewed Margo and asked her to introduce her organisation and its role in our Partnership by answering below questions:
Why Dutch Climate Alliance applied for joining the UA Public Procurement Partnership?
Dutch Climate Alliance (Klimaatverbond Nederland) is an association of Dutch local authorities and is a frontrunning NGO in climate mitigation and adaptation for municipalities and provinces. Dutch Climate Alliance remarks that local authorities in The Netherlands as well as in Europe increasingly deal with the same topics and issues related to climate mitigation and adaptation. For this reason Dutch Climate Alliance started working in an international context, sharing their expertise on CO2-pricing and more specific CO2-pricing in procurement. To expand our international network in the field of sustainable procurement we like to be member of the UA Partnership. We would like to share knowledge within the partnership and with other European organisations to contribute to a sustainable EU-procurement framework.
What are the challenges Dutch Climate Alliance faces in terms of Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement?
Dutch Climate Alliance works with Dutch public partners to implement CO2-pricing in their organisations. Part of the approach is to introduce CO2-pricing in procurement. While CO2-pricing is focusing on accounting future CO2-eq costs directly or indirectly into actual spendings, CO2-pricing in procurement is specifically focusing on applying this method in procurement. Developing and implementing a strategy for introducing this method, Dutch Climate Alliance is executing this process together with eleven partners within the Interreg NWE DeCarb-Pro project. Together we develop a strategy and test this strategy by executing pilots and trainings among partner colleagues, partner cooperations and third parties. As partnership we decided to use a broad definition for procurement, because we see that most of the CO2-reduction can be achieved by changing organisations’ policy or by using other criteria at the project start. Simply said, deciding not to renew a public place is reducing more than using CO2-low asphalt and making a road for bicycles will reduce more than making a road for cars.
The basic strategy has been developed recently. Our challenge now is to make this strategy applicable for local authorities, first in North-West Europe, but preferably in all of Europe. This indicates the need to modify the general developed strategy into specific tailor-made adjustments per country. Feedback from -for instance- UAP partners can help us.
What is the added value of the Partnership for Dutch Climate Alliance?
Dutch Climate Alliance notices local authorities get more and more interest in CO2-pricing in general and related to procurement. We have been developing content knowledge and also the process-part of CO2-pricing in procurement. We would like to share this knowledge.
If you would like to know more about Dutch Climate Alliance, please visit their website here.
The website is in Dutch. Use DeepL if you need a translation.
If you would like to contact Margo Meeuwissen directly, please send her an e-mail: margo.meeuwissen@klimaatverbond.nl