Barcelona Provincial Council (ES)
Gabrovo (BG)
Haarlem (NL) - coordinator
Metropolis Nantes (FR)
Turin (IT)
Cyprus (Cyprus Energy Agency)
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
European Commission (DG GROW, DG REGIO, DG ENV, DG CONNECT and DG R&D & EIC)
University of Twente
ACR+ - Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management
CEMR - Council of European Municipalities and Regions
EUROCITIES - European network of over 200 Cities working to improve quality of life
EUROTOWNS - European network of medium-sized Towns developing economic & social urban innovation
EUI - European Urban Initiative
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
SGI Europe - European Centre for Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services of general interest
URBACT - European Centre for Sustainable Integrated Urban Development
VNG - Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten
Dutch Climate Alliance - Association for active and impactful climate policy
NEVI - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Inkoop Management
PIANOo - The Dutch Public Procurement Expertise Centre
Procure2Innovate - European network of Competence Centres for Innovation Procurement
RWS - Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management