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The 8th newsletter of the EU Urban Agenda Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement


We are glad to present the 8th newsletter of our EU Urban Agenda Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement.
This newsletter will inform you about our Partnership and the work we are doing together with the European cities, regions, member states, expert organisations and reference group partners.

Newsletter 8

Interesting topics in this newsletter are:

  • Launch of the UA Public Procurement Action Plan 2022
  • Summary of the joint CITIES4CSR - UA Partnership - URBACT event in Brussels with interesting information links
  • Introduction to our new member 'the Barcelona Provicial Council', an interview with Carles Barnés
  • Information about the BEE conference, Level(s), the Ellen McArthur Foundation, Big Buyers, AI4Cities, Cities 2030, PROTECT, EWRC

.... and more

Please consult it through this link.
