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Our Partners




                                                                cities and regions                                                                


Barcelona Provincial Council (ES)

Gabrovo (BG)

Haarlem (NL) - coordinator

The Hague (NL)

Koszalin (PL)

Metropolis Nantes (FR)

Munich (DE)

Prague (CZ)

Region of Central Macedonia (GR)

Turin (IT)

Vantaa (FI)

  member states

Cyprus (Cyprus Energy Agency)

Czech Republic


The Netherlands



European Commission (DG GROW, DG REGIO, DG ENV, DG CONNECT and DG R&D & EIC)

Luiss University Roma & LAB.GOV.City

University of Twente



CEMR - Council of European Municipalities and Regions

EUROCITIES - European network of over 200 Cities working to improve quality of life

EUROTOWNS - European network of medium-sized Towns developing economic & social urban innovation

EUI - European Urban Initiative 

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

 SGI Europe - European Centre for Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services of general interest 

URBACT - European Centre for Sustainable Integrated Urban Development

VNG - Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten



ACR+ - Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management

KEINO - Finnish network-based Consortium for Sustainable and Innovative Procurement

NEVI - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Inkoop Management

PIANOo - The Dutch Public Procurement Expertise Centre

Procure2Innovate - European network of Competence Centres for Innovation Procurement

RWS - Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management 



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